Do Not Knock FAQ What is the Do Not Knock Registry? How can I sign up for the Do Not Knock Registry? If I sign up for the Registry, will the Town give out my name to solicitors? What should I do if a solicitor knocks on my door after I sign up for the […]
Learn About Storm Water
Learn about Storm Water and the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Rockland here.
Request a Streetlight Repair?
Request a New Streetlight?
Each year the Town of Orangetown receives more citizen requests for new street lights than there is funding available. To honor these requests, the Town has established a process for installing new lighting that considers the need for lighting based on public safety issues, installation costs and neighborhood consensus. To request a street light, please […]
Submit a Freedom of Information Law (FOIL)
Submit a Freedom of Information Law Form Request Please Note: For Any Further information regarding open records and FOIL requests please call the Town Clerk’s Office at (845) 359-5100 ext 5004. The Freedom of Information Law provides the right of access to records reflective of governmental decisions and policies. A record is “any information kept, held, […]
Dispose of Expired and Unused Medications
The Orangetown Police Department collects and disposes of expired and unused medication 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. The disposal service is free and anonymous for everyone, with no questions asked. We do not accept needles or sharps. Properly disposing of excess drugs is everyone’s responsibility as a matter of public safety. A […]
Dispose of Expired and Unused Medications
The Orangetown Police Department collects and disposes of expired and unused medication 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. The disposal service is free and anonymous for everyone, with no questions asked. We do not accept needles or sharps. Properly disposing of excess drugs is everyone’s responsibility as a matter of public safety. A […]
Find Information About Garbage and Recycling Pickup
Recycling Program Reducing the amount of material being deposited in landfills not only protects our environment, it also provides revenue to the Town of Orangetown. The Town of Orangetown currently receives $26.00 per ton of material brought the Materials Recovery Facility in Hillburn, operated by the Rockland County Solid Waste Management Authority. Please follow the […]
Find Information Regarding Job Openings in the Town of Orangetown
Where can I find a list of positions open in the town? Where can I get an application? Do all civil service jobs require an exam? Do I have to submit a cover letter and resume? How do I get my application to you? What happens if I miss the deadline for the position I am […]
Get a Building Permit
BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Projects that Require a Building Permit and Certificate of Occupancy (C.O.) New Commercial Buildings Change of ownership or tenant in a commercial establishment Signs New Homes & Buildings New Additions, Interior Alterations and Renovations Demolition of Structures Fireplaces & Chimneys Above & Below Ground Swimming Pools Oil & Gas Heating Units and […]
View or Pay Property/School Taxes Online
VIEW OR PAY TAXES ONLINE You can pay your State, Town and County Taxes and School Taxes online. Tax Bills are available to View and/or Print for the past 10 years. All payments are processed the same day. If you pay online with eCheck (electronic withdrawal from your checking account) there is a $0.75 FLAT […]
Renew My Highway Drop Off Center Permit
Report a Potential Code Violation
Fill out my online form.
File an Odor Complaint
Please fill out the Town of Orangetown Odor Complaint Form. Please provide detailed information regarding your complaint.**If you smell natural gas, call 9-1-1. For all other odor complaints, fill out the form. View previous odor complaints here.