This Town Board Meeting was opened at 8:10 p.m. Supervisor Kleiner presided and the Town Clerk called the Roll. Present were:
Councilman Denis Troy
Councilwoman Marie Manning
Councilman Michael Maturo
Councilwoman Nancy Low-Hogan
Also present: Charlotte Madigan, Town Clerk
Eliot Tozer, Deputy Supervisor
John S. Edwards, Town Attorney
Teresa M. Kenny, First Deputy Town Attorney
Charles Richardson, Director of Finance
James Dean, Superintendent of Highways
Ron Delo, Director, Dept. Environmental Mgt. & Eng.
Kevin Nulty, Chief of Police
Robert Simon, Receiver of Taxes
John Giardiello, P.E., Director, OBZPAE
Rich Rose, Superintendent of Parks, Recreation and Buildings
Charlotte Madigan, Town Clerk, led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Councilwoman Low-Hogan offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilman Troy and was unanimously adopted:
RESOLVED, that the public hearing regarding the 2009 Preliminary Budget is hereby opened.
Ayes: Councilpersons Low-Hogan, Troy, Manning, Maturo
Supervisor Kleiner
Noes: None
Public portion for the Public Hearing 2009 Budget
Paul Goldman, Palisades, requested that the Town Board publish (WEB) changes to the budget in a timely fashion that would allow the public to comment on any changes made.
Jon Plowe, Palisades, inquired as to why there is a difference in dollars, is this because 2007 is an entire year and 2008 is presently year to date? Also he asked why there are significant differences on certain lines. He asked to be updated so that he will be prepared to ask questions regarding the changes.
Mario Gonzales, Trustee for the Orangeburg Library, asked the Town Board to reconsider the 0% increase. This budget will significantly influence programs offered to the children and the elderly.
Michael Mandel, Pearl River, asked the Town Board to consider a 0% increase or reduced increase for the 2009 budget. He suggested a hiring freeze and raises for non union workers should not exceed the % given to the union workers. The golf course should not give free golf to anyone. Heat and cooling should be conserved just as we do at home.
Andrew Wiley, Pearl River, said the budget should be controlled and offered the following: reduce or eliminate the parking enforcement officers, meals for the police, travel increases, costs of tuition, increase in chemicals, Suzanne Barclay’s increase of 11.6% and Sewer increases including change orders.
Bob Crable, Sparkill, wants a discussion regarding the raise in town councils pensions.
Norm Schaifer, Palisades, said we are in financial crises which will get worse. The Town Board should consider cutting jobs to reduce expenses and prepare for future foreclosures because, he believes, that the adjustable rate mortgage has not hit the bottom yet.
Dorian Tunell, Palisades, asked how are the costs of pensions funded and does the Town contribute.
Paul Morer, representing the Nyack Community Ambulance Corps. Inc., spoke regarding the total budget requests needed to continue the community services provided by the Ambulance Corps.
A discussion took place between the Town Board and a decision was made to adjourn the public hearing until Monday the 10th of November at 8:05 p.m.
Councilwoman Low-Hogan offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilman Troy and was unanimously adopted:
RESOLVED, that the Town Board decided to continue this public hearing on November 10, 2008 at 8:05 p.m. and adjourned this meeting at 9:28 p.m.
Ayes: Councilpersons Low-Hogan, Troy, Manning, Maturo
Supervisor Kleiner
Noes: None
Charlotte Madigan, Town Clerk