Where can I find a list of positions open in the town?
Where can I get an application?
Do all civil service jobs require an exam?
Do I have to submit a cover letter and resume?
How do I get my application to you?
What happens if I miss the deadline for the position I am interested in?
Do I have to fill out a new application for each job I am interested in?
Is this where I apply to work for any of the school districts?
Position vacancies are posted on the bulletin boards of all Town of Orangetown buildings for a period of at least 10 business days.
Applications can be downloaded here or obtained at the Personnel Office in Town Hall or at the Rockland County Personnel Office:
Positions in the non-competitive class do not require an exam. Positions in the competitive class require an exam. For a list of civil service exams and dates please visit the Rockland County Personnel Office. For more information regarding please read the Rockland County Civil Services Rules.
You are not required to submit a cover letter and resume with your application but it would be helpful.
Applications should be sent to the Personnel Office at Town Hall, 26 Orangeburg Road, Orangeburg, NY 10962 or brought to that office between 8 A.M. and 4 P.M. Monday through Friday.
You lose the opportunity to apply for that position.
Yes, the applicant must fill out a new application for each job.
No, you must apply directly to each local school district office: