Meeting - Planning Board January 10, 2007 (View All)
Date | Name | Group(s) | Type | Approved | File |
01/10/2007 | Planning Board January 10, 2007 | Planning Board | Minutes |
Meeting Members
Meeting Support
Meeting Overview
Scheduled: | 01/10/2007 7:30 PM |
Group(s): | Planning Board |
Location: | Greenbush Auditorium |
Documents | Type | File |
Planning Board January 10, 2007 | Minutes |
Bruce Bond, Chairperson |
Kevin Garvey, Vice-Chairperson |
Anthony Iurica
Suzanne Barclay William Young |
John Foody
Robert Dell |
None |
John Giardiello, Director, Department of Building, Zoning ,
Planning Administration and Enforcement
Robert Magrino, Deputy Town Attorney
Ann Marie Ambrose, Stenographer
Cheryl Coopersmith, Chief Clerk
Bruce Bond, Chairperson called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
Mr. Bond read the agenda. Hearings as listed on this meeting’s agenda which are made a part of these minutes, were held as noted below:
Mehl Site Plan
and Resubdivision Plan Consultation 68.20/1/36 CO zone |
Consultation | PB #07-01 |
Orangetown Center Internal Space Prepreliminary/Preliminary/Final Subdivision of Internal Space 74.10/1/67 CS zone |
Continued |
PB #07-02 |
Hyon Minor Subdivision Plan Prepreliminary/Preliminary Subdivision Plan and SEQRA Review 78.18/2/13 R-40/80 zone |
Continued |
PB #07-03 |
Onnuree Presbyterian Church Site Plan Prepreliminary/Preliminary/Final Site Plan and SEQRA Review 74.10/1/28 CO zone |
Continued |
PB #07-04 |
Tappan Plaza, Inc. Commercial Subd. Amendment to Final Commercial Subdivision Plan – PB #06-79 77.15/1/34 CS zone |
Amendment Granted |
PB #07-05 |
January 10, 2007
Planning Board
Town of Orangetown
Tappan Plaza Site Plan
Final Site Plan Review 77.15/1/34 CS zone |
Continued | PB #07-06 |
Wyeth – Campus Drainage Study Prepreliminary/Preliminary /Final Review 68.08/1/1 LI zone |
POSTPONED TO 1/24/07 |
PB #06-72 |
Continued Item from May 10, 2006 Meeting: |
Wyeth Site Plan – Building 241
Prepreliminary/Preliminary |
TO 1/24/07 |
PB #06-34 |
Site Plan and SEQRA Review
68.08/1/1 LI zone |
The Decisions of the above hearings, as attached hereto, although made by the Board before the conclusion of the meeting are not deemed accepted and adopted by the Board until adopted by a formal motion for adoption of such minutes by the Board. Following such approval and adoption by the Board, the Decisions are mailed to the applicant. The verbatim transactions are not transcribed, but are available.
Since there was no further business to come before the Board, a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Anthony Iurica, seconded by Kevin Garvey and agreed to by all in attendance. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 P.M.
The next Planning Board meeting is scheduled for January 24, 2007.
DATED: January 10, 2007
Planning Board Town of Orangetown
Min07.doc. 1-2
Tappan Plaza, Inc. Commercial Subdivision Plan PB #07-05
Amendment to PB#06-79, Final Approval January 10, 2007
Subject to Conditions Page 1 of 2
TO: Panagiotis Zacharakis
115 Oak Tree Road
Tappan, NY 10983
FROM: Orangetown Planning Board
RE: An Amendment to the PB #06-79, Final Approval of the application of Panagiotis Zacharakis, applicant, for Orangetown Plaza, owner for Prepreliminary/Preliminary/Final Commercial Subdivision of Interior Space for a site known as “Tappan Plaza, Inc. Commercial Subdivision Plan”, in accordance with Article 16 of the Town Law of the State of New York, the Land Development Regulations of the Town of Orangetown, Chapter 21 of the code of the Town of Orangetown. The site is located at 33 B Route 303, Tappan, Town of Orangetown, Rockland County, New York and as shown on the Orangetown Tax Map as Section 77.15, Block 1, Lot 34 in the CS zoning district.
Heard by the Planning Board of the Town of Orangetown at a meeting held
January 10, 2007, at which time the Board made the following determinations:
Panagiotis Zacharakis appeared and testified.
The Board received the following communications:
- 1. A Project Review Memo dated January 3, 2007.
- 2. An interdepartmental memorandum from the Office of Building, Zoning, Planning Administration and Enforcement, Town of Orangetown, signed by John Giardiello, P., Director, dated January 10, 2007.
- 3. An interdepartmental memorandum from the Department of Environmental Management and Engineering, (DEME) Town of Orangetown, signed by Bruce Peters, E., dated January 4, 2007.
- 4. Copy of PB #06-79, dated October 11, 2006, Final Site Plan Approval Subject to Condition
The hearing was then opened to the Public. There being no one to be heard from the Public, a motion was made to close the Public Hearing portion of the meeting by Kevin Garvey seconded by Robert Dell and carried as follows:
Bruce Bond, aye, Kevin Garvey, aye, Anthony Iurica, aye, John Foody, aye, Robert Dell, aye, Suzanne Barclay, aye, and William Young, aye.
Tappan Plaza, Inc. Commercial Subdivision Plan PB #07-05
Amendment to PB#06-79, Final Approval January 10, 2007
Subject to Conditions
DECISION: In view of the foregoing and the testimony before the Board, the application was GRANTED AN AMENDMENT TO PB #06-79 AS FOLLOWS WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS:
- 1. Condition #1 shall be deleted since the parking calculations are applicable to
Site Plan review:
“ 1. The plans shall be revised to include parking calculations that demonstrate that all Town requirements have been met for each of the existing and proposed uses on the site. “
- 2. All other conditions of PB #06-79 are still applicable.
The foregoing Resolution was made and moved by Kevin Garvey, seconded by Anthony Iurica and carried as follows: Bruce Bond, aye, Kevin Garvey, aye, Anthony Iurica, aye, John Foody, aye, Robert Dell, aye, Suzanne Barclay, aye and William Young, aye.
The Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized, directed and empowered to sign this DECISION and file a certified copy in the Office of the Town Clerk and the Office of the Planning Board.
Dated: January 10, 2007 r8 24-28
Planning Board OBZPAE RC Planning RC Drainage RC Highway Env. Mgt. Eng. LMS Town Board Assessor Town Attorney PRC Supervisor
Mehl Site Plan PB #07-01
Consultation January 10, 2007
Page 1 of 2
TO: Heidi Henderson
Mehl Electric
74 South Main Street
Pearl River, NY 10965
FROM: Orangetown Planning Board
RE: The application of Heidi Henderson, applicant for DFW Realty, owner, for Consultation for a site to be known as “Mehl Site Plan”, in accordance with Article 16 of the Town Law of the State of New York, the Land Development Regulations of the Town of Orangetown, Chapter 21A of the code of the Town of Orangetown. The site is located at 74 Ridge Street, Pearl River, Town of Orangetown, Rockland County, New York and as shown on the Orangetown Tax Map as Section 68.20, Block 1, Lot 36 in the CO zoning district.
Heard by the Planning Board of the Town of Orangetown at a meeting held Wednesday, January 10, 2007, at which time the Board made the following determinations:
Heidi Henderson Dan Kelly appeared and testified. The Board received the following communications:
- 1. A Project Review Memo dated January 3, 2007.
- 2. An interdepartmental memorandum from the Office of Building, Zoning, Planning Administration and Enforcement, Town of Orangetown, signed by John Giardiello, E., Director, dated January 10, 2007.
- 3. An interdepartmental memorandum from the Department of Environmental Management and Engineering, (DEME),Town of Orangetown, signed by Bruce Peters, E., dated January 4, 2007.
- 4. A Site Plan prepared by John Nelting Land Surveyor, dated
November 12, 1999.
- 5. A letter signed by Heidi Henderson, Financial Manager, Mehl Electric
Company, Inc., dated December 6, 2006.
The Board reviewed the plan.
The hearing was then opened to the Public. There being no one to be heard from the Public, a motion was made to close the Public Hearing portion of the meeting by Kevin Garvey seconded by Suzanne Barclay and carried as follows: Bruce Bond, aye, Anthony Iurica, aye, John Foody, aye, Robert Dell, aye, Suzanne Barclay, aye, and Kevin Garvey, aye.
CONSULTATION: In view of the foregoing and the testimony before the Board, the applicant was provided with the following COMMENTS:
Mehl Site Plan PB #07-01
Consultation January 10, 2007
- 1. The applicant is viewed as favorable since it removes parking from the public stree
- 2. The applicant would need to apply for a Resubdivision and Site Plan Review. The Resubdivision map would need to list all zoning bulk requirements, allowed and proposed. This should be completed in accordance with Chapter 21, “Land Development Regulations”, Town of Orangetown Town Code.
- 3. A Site Plan would need to be submitted showing existing items and proposed change This should be completed in accordance with Chapter 21A ,”Site Development Plan Approval”, Town of Orangetown Town Code.
- 4. The existing entrances, exists, parking spaces, loading docks, etc. should be shown on the Site Plan.
- 5. The two new entrances should be reduced to one entrance to allow better traffic circulations.
- 6. All existing and proposed landscaping should be shown on the Site Plan.
- 7. The existing 2 ½ story fence, (#78-80) should be part of this application and the use of the structure labeled on the plan
- 8. The gravel parking lot would require a variance from the Town of Orangetown
Zoning Board of Appeals.
- 9. Drainage Calculations, prepared and sealed by a New York State Licensed Professional Engineer, shall be submitted to DEME for review and approva The applicant’s engineers shall design onsite storage to achieve a zero increase in runoff from the proposed site.
- 10. New curbing and sidewalks will be required for this site along Main Street, Jefferson Avenue and Ridge Stree The specific location of these items shall be coordinated with this Department and the Highway Department.
- 11. Soil erosion and sediment control plans and details shall be submitted to
DEME for review and approval.
- 12. Iron pins shall be drawn and labeled at each property corner.
- 13. Existing and proposed grading shall be added to the plan
- 14. The existing sanitary sewer building connection shall be shown on the plan.
The Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized, directed and empowered to sign this CONSULTATION and file a certified copy in the Office of the Town Clerk and the Office of the Planning Board.
Dated: January 10, 2007 page 1-2 r8
Planning Board OBZPAE RC Planning RC Drainage RC Highway Env. Mgt. Eng. LMS Town Board Assessor Town Attorney PRC Supervisor